Dress to Impress: The Power of Social Media in Women’s Fast Fashion



This research paper explores how social media marketing strategies affect the purchase behavior of women’s fast fashion in the United States. This paper argues that social media has a dramatic influence on consumer purchase behavior for women’s fast fashion brands. This study will employ data through a thorough examination of literature review and the administration of surveys. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative data, this research reveals how social media influences purchasing decisions. Previous studies find a strong correlation between social media marketing and consumer engagement. The results of this study will contribute to the debates on the most effective marketing strategies that influence purchasing behavior. In addition, this research will provide valuable insights for marketing strategists to optimize their practices.

Keywords: teenage girls, fast fashion, social media, consumer purchase behavior, marketing strategies


In the ever-evolving realm of the fast fashion industry, social media marketing is more prominent than ever1. Social media is shaping consumer behaviors and changing how we approach and use marketing strategies2. The fashion industry has undergone many changes in recent years3. With a specific focus on women’s fast fashion, this study aims to explore how marketing strategies used through social media influence and affect consumer behavior. Fast fashion is characterized by its quick production and affordability4, which is closely associated with trends that spread through social media platforms. The rapid dissemination of trends is fueled by the nature of fast fashion, enabling brands to quickly respond to changing styles. Teenage girls are drawn to fast fashion because they seek to synchronize their wardrobes with the latest fashion trends. Fast-fashion marketing appears to have the greatest impact on young women because they feel the need to conform to societal norms5. As teenage girls increasingly turn to social media platforms for inspiration and social validation, it is critical to understand the impact of social media marketing on their purchasing decisions.

The rise of influencers is serving as powerful catalysts, impacting consumer preferences, shaping brand perceptions, and purchasing behavior in the fast fashion industry6. Influencers act as trendsetters, steering the direction of fashion choices. Their ability to connect authentically with their audience starts trends and creates a ripple effect. Influencers are vital in social media marketing because they establish a connection between the brand and the consumers. They utilize relatability to create a more genuine online presence rather than the company advertising itself. Social media acts as a digital stage where trends are displayed, supported, and spread at a pace that has never been seen before.

Previous studies have primarily focused on the population in general, but this study specifically focuses on the demographic of teenage girls. It is essential to focus on this group of individuals as they are most susceptible to the influence of social media. Teenage girls also have a strong influence on fast fashion trends and may provide clues on future trends. This study explores the intricate relationship between social media marketing strategies and consumer purchase patterns in women’s fast fashion industry in the United States. The research question is: What is the impact of social media marketing strategies on consumer purchase behavior in the women’s fast fashion industry in the US? Understanding the effect of marketing is pivotal for businesses seeking to optimize their social media strategies7. This study seeks to provide an understanding of fast fashion and the role social media plays in shaping consumer choices. This research utilizes both print media and social media presence to analyze and compare their dynamics.

First, this paper will share an introduction and a discussion of the methodology and research design. Section 2 of the paper will discuss the literature review, content analysis, and survey. Inferential analysis will be conducted based on the results. Section 3 will explore the connection between stakeholder perception, marketing strategies, the impact of these strategies, and the challenges encountered by businesses. This section will also include implications, limitations, and future directions. Finally, Section 4 will present the conclusions.


This triangulation research approach incorporated a review of existing literature, content analysis, and conducting surveys to deepen the understanding regarding the marketing strategies influencing consumer purchase behavior for teenage girls’ fast fashion brands (Figure 1). First, an extensive literature review was conducted to gather insights from existing studies, articles, and other reports. By analyzing relevant literature, data was gathered on information that laid the groundwork for this study. This will help an individual understand current knowledge of social media’s impact on the teenage girls’ fast fashion industry and identify research gaps. Then, social media content was analyzed from teenage girls’ fast fashion brands to grasp a deeper understanding of how social media marketing strategies are used. This offered a real-world perspective, helping to confirm or question if the conclusions drawn from the literature review were accurate.

Figure 1: Triangulation Research Methodology

In addition to the literature review and content analysis, valuable insights were gathered by administering surveys. Surveys on Google Forms were disseminated through various social media platforms to a broad audience including friends, family, and other individuals, ensuring a diverse and representative sample of respondents. Individuals were also encouraged to send the survey to other teen girls, which broadened the reach of the survey. By collecting quantitative data directly from teenage girls, valuable information was obtained regarding consumer preferences and behaviors toward social media marketing in the teenage girls’ fast fashion industry. This data provided a deeper understanding of the consumer’s perspective, which enhanced the depth of this study. The findings from the literature review, content analysis, and surveys were combined to identify patterns and provide a holistic understanding of the impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior.

The step-by-step approach to data analysis begins with a thorough review of previous studies. The literature review identifies variables and factors that shape the relationship between social media and fast fashion purchasing behavior among teen girls; it also identifies gaps in research. Then content analysis of social media posts is conducted. This involves various types of content, such as images and videos, across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. The analysis of this content focuses on identifying trends, and themes. Additionally, influencers’ role in shaping fast fashion trends was analyzed. Finally, a survey was designed and administered to teen girls, which served to collect data on their social media usage habits, attitudes towards fast fashion, and purchasing behaviors. The survey results are then integrated with the findings from the content analysis and informed by insights obtained from the literature review. This integrated approach allows for an in-depth understanding of how social media impacts the fast fashion purchasing behavior of teen girls.

There are a couple contradictions in the findings from the three methods. First, in the literature review several sources state that influencers or celebrities advertising sponsored content is seen as untrustworthy and deters consumers, but in the survey, over 50% of participants claim that they are somewhat likely or likely to purchase a product because a celebrity is recommending it. Additionally, within the literature review, there are contradictions if gender affects the effectiveness of social media marketing. On the other hand, there were many similar findings between the literature review, content analysis, and survey. Instagram was found to be the most dominant platform and also the platform that consumers are most likely to purchase from through all three methods. Additionally, 73% of participants voted that social media influences their purchase decisions, rating it at least a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. This aligns with the literature review, as many studies demonstrate how powerful social media marketing can be. Also, the literature review found similar findings as  the content analysis. The content analysis examined several different marketing strategies and their impacts on consumers, finding that specific strategies influence purchase decisions more than others. The literature review also found that the way products are advertised on social media significantly impacts consumer purchase decisions. The study revealed notable contradictions and similarities in the findings from the three research methods.

Research Design

A mixed method approach is essential to create a comprehensive study; each method brings a unique aspect of the study to offer a greater understanding of the impact of social media on fast fashion trends in the United States. Literature review identifies gaps in current knowledge, provides insights into previous findings and methodologies, and serves as a base for the study to build off of. Content analysis provides first-hand information to observe how fast fashion is portrayed and promoted on social media and the various marketing strategies employed to capture the attention of teenage girls. In addition, the survey gathers data directly from individuals to provide insights into attitudes and purchasing behaviors. By surveying a diverse group of participants, the survey helps to understand how different groups interact with social media and how it affects purchasing behavior. 

By reviewing existing studies, the literature review identified key variables and factors that influence the relationship between social media and fast fashion trends. This information was then used to inform the survey design. In addition, themes identified from the literature review and content analysis were used to create the survey questions. Photos were analyzed for influencer marketing, model-based product promotion, and lifestyle enhancement marketing; videos were analyzed for video marketing. Finally, integrating the qualitative aspects of literature review and content analysis with the quantitative nature of the survey creates a comprehensive understanding of social media’s impact on teenage girls in the fast fashion industry.

Fig 2: Theoretical Framework

The influence of social media on consumer behavior in the fast fashion industry, specifically among teen girls is the focal point of this study. This research studies the various marketing strategies used on social media platforms, specifically, influencer marketing, model-based product promotion, lifestyle enhancement marketing, and video marketing. This study aims to understand the impact of these marketing strategies on purchasing behavior. The study was not able to account for moderators, thus presenting a limitation of the study. However, by controlling variables such as age (restricted to teenagers aged 13-19), gender (limited to girls), social media usage, and platform preferences, the study ensures that the results are not skewed by extraneous factors; this enhances the accuracy of the findings.

Literature Review

Many studies have presented a strong correlation between social media marketing and consumer purchasing habits. Social media displays trends, leading an increasing number of individuals to invest in a certain fast-fashion product. There is a direct relationship between the customer’s perceived value and purchasing intention influenced by the amount of social media involvement and brand love8. Social media has gained prominence as people are increasingly turning to social media for their information9. Social media is cost-effective, easily accessible, and can create target advertising, making it appealing to businesses.7. Most social media platforms are open for anyone to use, so businesses can advertise their products for free. Social media encompasses many platforms, each with its unique strengths. For example, Instagram allows for visually appealing advertisements, utilizing colors and patterns to capture their consumers’ attention; whereas, TikTok is known for its short engaging videos, which are especially popular among younger audiences. Additionally, fast-fashion businesses can target their advertisements toward young women since they are the individuals most likely to purchase fast-fashion products10. Most teenagers use social media daily and are constantly encountering advertisements. Businesses should utilize stylish advertisements with brilliant designs to attract young individuals10.  In order to conform to social standards, consumers will be constantly buying fast-fashion clothing.10. For instance, when an individual with a cool persona promotes a t-shirt, buyers might associate the shirt as being cool and decide to buy the shirt solely for its coolness, rather than for the actual garment11. The desire to fit in is a powerful motivator that can significantly influence consumer behavior, leading individuals to purchase a certain product.

Although social media marketing usually increases consumer purchases, sometimes it can create the opposite effect and decrease purchase intentions. The initial stages of the decision-making process involve information seeking and evaluation. If consumers face difficulties during this phase, their purchase intentions may diminish, causing them to abandon the idea of buying the product12. Additionally, if a fast-fashion business is advertising unreliable or inaccurate information it can lead to a decline in the customers’ trust and decrease purchasing. When businesses gain consumers’ trust, they are more likely to have repeat consumers and they build a positive reputation; this is essential for long-term success. “To be relevant to your audience and create a powerful brand you must win their trust and admiration,”13. It is crucial to be selective and avoid overwhelming consumers, as excessive marketing can deter them from making a purchase. Many consumers believe that sponsored content is untrustworthy and feel like the product is being imposed on them. This can discourage respondents from following the influencer, as they seek authentic product reviews14. Businesses must advertise on social media, but it is crucial to know how much advertising to use and be sure not to deter consumers.

Technology, especially social media, is an essential part of marketing. Social media has transformed marketing, allowing brands to communicate better with their consumer15. Advertising on social media allows consumers to see the clothing of another individual before making a purchase. Social media is widely used by companies to promote their brands15. As technology continues to advance, social media is bound to become even more prominent in the marketing strategies of the women’s fast fashion industry.

Consumer behavior is significantly influenced by the visual aspect of social media. The rise of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok has brought about a new aspect of advertising: visually appealing content. Social media has a persuasive power in its visually enticing content16. Social media allows businesses to communicate directly with their consumers to obtain valuable insights into consumer preferences and overall feedback.

This study aims to address several gaps in literature. Despite the proficient amount of studies on social media’s impact on consumer purchase behavior, there seems to be a lack of studies that focus on how social media marketing specifically affects teen girls. For example, the study by Sammansu and Tanatuway study the influence that social media has on womens purchase behavior from online stores. Another study by Parker and Kuo, again, focus on the driving factors behind women purchasing items online. Teenage girls behavior and women can differ greatly as teen girls are typically more easily influenced than women are, so this study is essential to understanding the behavior specific to teen girls. Additionally, this study focuses on the effect of specific marketing strategies, whereas other studies examine the broader impact of social media. For example, the study by Manneh focuses on which social media platform is most dominant and examines the effect social media marketing, in general, has on businesses. Additionally, the study by Koivulehto addresses the influence of social media in advertising, but does not break down the different marketing strategies. This study addresses gaps in the literature by providing a focused examination of marketing strategies and their effect on teen girls, contributing valuable insights to understanding consumer behavior of this demographic.

StudyResearch/ Objective Question Methodology Country/ Market Factors/ Dimensions/ Variables Findings
1. Koivulehto (2017)Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity?Qualitative & QuantitativeGlobal1.  Fast-fashion brand Zara 2. Gender distribution and nationalities1. Social media marketing is more efficient than traditional marketing 2. Social media has a positive influence on brand equity, value equity, and relationship equity
2. Manneh (2017)The Influence of Social Media on E-commerce: Fast Fashion Multinational CompaniesQualitativeSweden1. Fashion markets can forecast demand 2. Social media and marketing strategy1. Instagram is the most dominant of all social media platforms 2. The use of social media marketing is vital for fast fashion businesses because they can have direct contact with their customers, attract new customers, and get to know their target market
3.Väkeväinen & Martinelle (2022)Consumers’ behavior during the Covid-19 pandemicQuantitativeSweden1. Advertising on social media 2. Individualized advertising with theories about interactive communication and online behavioral advertisements 3. Brand image and trust 4. Gender differences1. No difference between men and women 2. Social media is a powerful tool companies can use to promote different content 3. Fast fashion put more focus on social media than before the pandemic  
4. Léa et al (2018)Influence impact on decision-making among Generation Y and Z Swedish females when purchasing fast fashionQualitativeSweden1. Age 2. The way that websites, pictures, and advertisements on digital platforms are designed1. Generation Y prefers online shopping over traditional manners and they spend less money on shopping compared to previous generations 2. Individuals of Generation Z are frequent users of online shopping, but they make more use of shopping apps
5. Bläse et al (2023)  Non-sustainable buying behavior: How the fear of missing out drives purchase intentions in the fast-fashion industryQuantitativeSwitzerland, France & United States1. Gender 2. Income 3. Brand credibility 4. Purchase intention 5. Age1. Brand credibility concerning sustainability is an important factor in the decision to buy fast fashion 2. Social responsibility significantly influences the willingness to purchase fashion products
6. Tangpattanakit (2017)The moderating effect of social media involvement and brand love on the consumer perceived values and purchasing intention of fast-fashion productsQuantitativeBangkok1. Level of social media involvement 2. Duration/frequency on social media 3. Emotional and social connectedness    1. There is a direct causal relationship between the consumer perceived value and purchasing intention influenced by the level of social media involvement
7. Cayaban et al (2023)The influence of Social Media and Sustainability Advocacy on the Purchase Intention of Filipino Consumers in Fast FashionQuantitativePhilippines1. Attitude toward fast fashion 2. Social media & sustainability advocacy 3. Quality and aesthetics 4. Age1. Social media positively affects purchase intention 2. Attitude is the most important determinant in purchasing fast fashion 3. Suppliers and manufacturers are producing sustainable products to be available on the market
8. Sammansu & Tanatuway (2021)Influence of Social Media on Women Buying Behavior Towards Fashion Products from Online StoresQuantitativeIndia1. Demographic factors 2. Awareness and use of social media by women students and college faculty1. Many online stores have influenced women through social media 2. More women are working so if fashion products are available online it would be beneficial 3. Women purchase online due to time-saving, variety, and price discounts 4. Social media is an essential tool in marketing
9. Madhura et al (2023)Multifaceted Impact of Social-Media: In the Context of Customers’ Fashion Products Buying Behaviour- A Comprehensive ReviewQuantitativeIndia1. Age 2. Educational qualification/ profession 3. Annual income 4. Convenience of purchasing1. There is a strong influence from celebrities, friends, and family in influencing fashion choices 2. Social media’s visual presentation of fashion brands or products in an innovative way creates an inclination to buy 3. Social media makes it convenient for customers and users
10. Parker & Kuo (2022)What drives generation-y women to buy fashion items onlineQualitativeUnited Kingdom1. Visual merchandising 2. Product details 3. Easy app navigation1. Generation-y women are influenced by s-commerce 2. Generation-y women embrace fashion’s visual representation through collections, trends, and sales 3. Visual representation through photos and videos increases purchase intention
11. Murphy (2021)The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Fast Fashion Purchase Intentions from an Irish Female Millennial’s PerspectiveQualitativeIreland1. Perceived value 2. Quality of recommendation Advertisement 3. Price  1. The stronger the connection and engagement to social media, the higher the purchase intention is 2. Sponsored content by influencers was mentioned by respondents as being untrustworthy and deters respondents from following the influencer
Table 1: Literature Review

Content Analysis

This study used data from the social media marketing of teenage girls’ fast fashion. The fast-fashion industry is taking over social media, utilizing influencers and advertisements to spread their product quickly. Almost every fast-fashion business has a social media account that you can follow to support their brand. Social media helps businesses grow by increasing and engaging their audience, building a good reputation, and distributing content. The power of social media is undeniable as it becomes more prevalent than ever. Social media marketing is a prominent strategy that businesses use to advertise, shape trends, and attempt to stand out in a world of competing businesses. Influencer marketing stands out because it helps build a strong relationship between brands and consumers. They integrate products into their everyday life, making them appear trustworthy to teenage girls. These girls are especially susceptible to purchasing because of these influencers because they may admire them or aspire to be like them. Model-based product promotion is another theme where fast-fashion brands employ models to showcase their products on social media. These models represent the brand directly, which can build the brand image. Businesses utilize aesthetic images that align with the brand’s goal of how they are being perceived. Colors, styles, and patterns captivate the eye and capture consumers’ attention.

Fast-fashion companies can benefit from showcasing products that can enhance one’s lifestyle. This is an effective marketing technique because it incorporates real life and images to create an accurate description of the brand. The interactive elements of video marketing capture the audience’s attention and offer them an immersive experience. The vibrant colors, movement, and visual elements allow businesses to convey their message effectively in a short amount of time.

Specific aspects of social media were analyzed including post frequency, engagement metrics, and content type. Fast fashion posts from this year were selected to ensure relevance. Platform specificity was also considered as posts were analyzed from Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat and the content that was observed contained a large amount of likes to ensure the posts were relevant and impactful. Images and videos were selected if they had high engagement metrics. The content was required to have a minimum of one thousand likes to be considered. Many of the posts studied had tens or hundreds of thousands of likes, indicating it reached a broad audience. This helps provide valuable insights to lead to more accurate and generalizable conclusions. Images were selected to analyze the impact of influencer marketing, model-based product promotion, and lifestyle enhancement marketing on teen girls. Videos were selected to examine the influence of video marketing. Teenage girls fast fashion content was analyzed to ensure it aligns with the study’s objective. After analyzing the posts, themes were identified based on the marketing strategies.

Figure 3: Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing was observed first. It is where marketing posts on Instagram display influencers promoting a company’s product. This helps spread a product quickly and efficiently because influencers can reach a large audience and make product recommendations that appear authentic and personal. Influencers like Charli D’Amelio significantly impact teenage girls’ purchasing behavior due to their influential presence. Teenage girls are always seeking the newest trends, making influencer marketing on social media one of the most effective methods (Figure 3). 

Figure 4: Model-based product promotion

Second, model-based product promotion has been observed on Instagram, where businesses post on their social media pages to promote their products. This is a cost-effective advertising method; businesses do not have to pay influencers to promote this product, nor do they have to pay to post on social media. This also helps promote a valid and consistent brand image, since it is coming directly from the company. Businesses are also able to directly communicate with their audience which allows for a potential relationship with customers, thus building brand credibility. Businesses can communicate the exact message they want relayed to consumers (Figure 4).

Figure 5: Lifestyle enhancement marketing

The next strategy explored lifestyle enhancement marketing, which uses its capacity to impact the visual instincts of teen girls. Images are a great way to convey information quickly and clearly; an image can stand out within a market of information, giving the business that utilizes image marketing an advantage. Lifestyle enhancement marketing is simple and effective in communicating information through visuals. Along with the rise of cell phones, image marketing is compatible with smaller screens, making it easy for teenage girls to view the content wherever they are. Image marketing capitalizes on the power of visuals to create a memorable impression with these girls, making it a highly effective marketing strategy (Figure 5).

Figure 6: Video Marketing

The fourth strategy explored was video marketing which allows for storytelling, thus creating a more personalized connection with consumers. This increases engagement, capturing the viewers’ attention, and making this form of marketing highly memorable. Video marketing appeals to multiple senses making it a more immersive experience for the viewer. Video marketing can also build trust and authenticity because of the transparency it provides. The demonstration of products in action provides a clear understanding of the product; especially in fast fashion, video marketing is essential because it shows how clothing will fit and look on an individual (Figure 6).

Hypothesis Development

Teenage girls, a key demographic for fast fashion, are highly active on social media platforms where influencers act as trendsetters and relatable figures. Influencers, who often have substantial followings, can authentically connect with their audience and significantly sway their purchasing decisions. This hypothesis is grounded in social proof theory, which suggests individuals follow the actions of others in uncertain situations, and parasocial relationships, where viewers feel a connection with influencers, increasing trust and influence. Additionally, consumer behavior models like AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) illustrate how influencers can capture attention and generate interest and desire, leading to purchases.Therefore, the first hypothesis:

H1: Influencer marketing significantly impacts the likelihood of teenage girls purchasing fast fashion items.

Model-based product promotion involves showcasing fast fashion items through models on social media platforms. This strategy aims to create a direct and appealing visual representation of the products, influencing potential consumers. Teenage girls are highly visual consumers who are often drawn to attractive imagery that aligns with their desired self-image. The research paper highlights the importance of visual appeal in marketing strategies, noting that images and videos play a crucial role in capturing the attention of this demographic. The use of models by brands can establish a consistent and desirable brand image, which may influence purchase intentions by creating aspirational visuals. Based on consumer behavior theories, such as the Elaboration Likelihood Model, visual cues can significantly impact attitude formation and decision-making, especially in low-involvement purchase scenarios like fast fashion. Thus, we hypothesize that:

H2: Model-based product promotion significantly impacts the likelihood of teenage girls purchasing fast fashion items.

Next, lifestyle enhancement marketing involves promoting fast fashion products by associating them with a desirable lifestyle. This strategy aims to create an aspirational image that resonates with teenage girls’ desires for social validation and a better lifestyle. The research paper underscores the effectiveness of marketing strategies that tap into the emotional and psychological aspects of consumer behavior. By positioning fast fashion items as enhancers of a trendy and socially validated lifestyle, brands can appeal to the intrinsic motivations of teenage girls. The Self-Congruity Theory suggests that consumers are more likely to purchase products that align with their self-concept and aspirational goals. Therefore,

H3: Lifestyle enhancement marketing significantly impacts the likelihood of teenage girls purchasing fast fashion items.

Finally, video marketing leverages the power of dynamic and engaging content to promote fast fashion items. This strategy allows brands to tell compelling stories, demonstrate product usage, and create a more immersive consumer experience. Teenage girls, as active consumers of video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, are particularly receptive to this form of marketing. The research paper points out the increasing importance of video content in capturing consumer attention and driving engagement. The Dual Coding Theory supports this by suggesting that information presented in both visual and verbal formats (as in videos) is more likely to be retained and acted upon. Therefore,

H4: Video marketing significantly impacts the likelihood of teenage girls purchasing fast fashion items.

We will test these hypotheses by primary data collection with surveys to conduct the inferential analysis using chi-square tests.


Teenage girls’ fast fashion in the United States is a rapidly growing industry with social media being one of its main contributors. This study targeted teenage girls (ages 13-19), a demographic recognized for frequently using diverse social media platforms. The survey employed Google Forms for data collection, offering an accessible and easy-to-use platform. It offers an in-depth analysis report of the survey, providing the study with essential information to draw accurate conclusions. Participants were encouraged to complete the form at their convenience, recognizing the individuals’ different schedules and time zones. Spanning from February 4, 2024, to February 7, 2024, the survey gave a plentiful amount of time to gather a strong set of data. One hundred teenage girls filled out the survey for this study, thus providing a wide range of data. Based on previous studies, one hundred participants is an adequate amount for this study to provide a representative sample from different ages within the demographic of teenage girls across the United States. Other studies have used less than 100 participants. For example, a study on the effect of social media on e-commerce received information from only 10 respondents17. In another study on influencers impact on fast fashion purchase there were only 22 participants18. Therefore, one hundred participants is sufficient for this study. 

The selection process  for this survey sought diversity, ensuring the presence of different viewpoints. Different geographic locations, within America, backgrounds, races, and cultural identities were considered when selecting the participants. This survey’s main stakeholders are teenage girls who purchase fast fashion products. The survey findings may interest businesses, specifically in the fashion industry, who are looking to understand the dynamics of social media and utilize it to attract teenage girls.

Having an understanding of how social media marketing influences purchasing behavior can contribute to the success of businesses. The survey contained both qualitative and quantitative questions used to gather the participants’ opinions. First, a preliminary questionnaire was created and a pilot survey was conducted to a small group of individuals to ensure the comprehension of the questions were clear. After gathering valuable feedback from this test-run, the survey questions were refined and the survey was sent out to a wide range of individuals. The survey questions were meticulously crafted to include a comprehensive understanding of perspectives and nuances. Several questions utilized the Likert scale, but some questions required more detailed answers, allowing the respondents to select multiple options.  Many of the questions focused on social media usage, influencer impact, impact of advertisements, and purchasing behavior, seeking to uncover trends, preferences, and perceptions within teenage girls’ fast fashion industry. The primary focus of the survey is to understand individuals’ perceptions of how social media marketing affects their purchasing behavior. Exploring the results of the survey uncovers tactics for successful marketing strategies and other strategies that should be altered or discontinued. Ethical considerations were taken into account such as informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, and voluntary participation. Participants’ information was not shared and they were able to participate only if they wished. This survey explores the new world of social media, providing valuable information on the teenage girls’ fast fashion industry in the United States.

QuestionsResponse Options% responses (N= 100)
How often do you use social media?5 hours or less per week
5-10 hours per week
10-15 hours per week
15+ hours per week
Which social media platform do you prefer?Instagram
Which social media platform are you most likely to purchase from?Instagram
What kind of advertisements do you find most effective? Select 2 options.Influencer marketing
Model-based product promotion
Lifestyle enhancement marketing
Video marketing
How likely are you to buy something because a friend on social media recommended it?Not likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
How likely are you to buy something because a celebrity on social media recommended it?Not likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
Have you ever participated in a social media contest/giveaway to win a product?Yes
Have you ever been disappointed by a product you bought from a social media advertisement?Yes
Have you ever felt pressured to purchase a product because it was popular on social media?Yes
Has social media ever introduced you to a brand/product that you now love?Yes
What factors, other than the brand, influence you to buy a product or support a brand? Select all that apply.Price
Customer ratings
Packaging design
How often do you share advertisements with your friends on social media?Never
Not often
How much does social media influence your fashion choices? Scale 1-10.1
Are you more likely to purchase a product based on a recommendation from a friend or from seeing an advertisement?Recommendation from a friend
How often do you buy a product using the link in the advertisement?Never
Not often
How much influence do your friends’ social media posts have on your fast fashion choices? Scale 1-10.1
Do you believe social media creates a sense of urgency to buy fast fashion items?Yes
Age (in years)13-14
Table 02: Survey Table

Exploratory Analysis

While the majority of participants came from Georgia, about 25% came from different parts of the United States. This is justified because Georgia, specifically Atlanta, is a significant fashion hub, making it an influential region for observing social media dynamics and fast fashion trends.

Participants Background

Fig 7. Geographic Distribution

Having 76% of participants from Georgia allows for an in-depth analysis of trends within the teen girls demographic, while still incorporating a diverse perspective from the remaining 24% of participants spread all across the country. This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of nationwide influences of social media on teen girls’ fast fashion.


Fig 8: Ethnicity

This study ensures diversity by surveying a variety of ethnicities. There are 59% White, 23% Asian, 11% Black/African American, and 7% Hispanic/Latino. This survey aligns closely with the demographic composition of the United States, which allows for an accurate representation of the findings of this study. The diversity of this study helps capture a wide range of perspectives, making the results relevant to all the teen girls within the ethnic groups listed above. This study acknowledges the cultural factors that may influence social media usage which, in turn, influences their purchasing behavior.

The survey witnessed responses across a diverse spectrum for social media usage with nearly half of the participants falling within the 5–10-hour range. These findings lay the groundwork for the following data that will shed light on the various ways social media impacts peoples’ everyday lives. The majority of individuals use TikTok (41%) and Instagram (38%) with Snapchat coming in third at 18%. TikTok is extremely popular within the demographic of teenage girls. The short videos that showcase fast fashion trends capture the attention of teenage girls, providing them with engaging content that provides glimpses into upcoming trends and stimulating content. Snapchat uses virtual reality features to promote products but is not necessarily known for its brand promotion. Instagram, on the other hand, is a strong platform for brand promotion, demonstrated by its 45% designated as the “social media platform most likely to purchase from” surpassing both TikTok and Snapchat. TikTok came in a close second at 39%, but Snapchat was far off at only 2%. This indicates that Snapchat is mainly used for communication between friends, but not necessarily as a powerful platform for marketing. Instagram also creates a strong connection between the buyer and seller. This helps build relationships with consumers, which can establish a sense of identity and, therefore, contribute to the business’s success.

Scale Analysis

Understanding the nuances of the different responses is essential to derive accurate data from this study. “Not likely” indicates a low probability of something happening; it is highly improbable to occur. The following two statements, “somewhat likely” and “likely” may seem to carry only subtle differences, but these two statements carry very different implications. “Somewhat likely” typically indicates a moderate level of likelihood or inclination towards a certain behavior or response. It conveys a level of uncertainty, but still leans towards the positive side. In the context of this study, it suggests that the participant’s openness to the possibility of an event occurring but is not fully committed or confident. On the other hand, “likely” suggests a higher level of confidence or certainty in the likelihood of a behavior or response occurring. Next, “very likely” indicates a very strong level of confidence, with minimal doubts or uncertainties regarding the outcome. These terms reflect the level of confidence associated with the purchasing behavior of teen girls. It is crucial to understand the differences between these statements in order to ensure that survey responses are accurately reflecting the attitudes and beliefs of participants.

Figure 09: How likely are you to buy something because a friend on social media recommended it?

This graph represents the likelihood of one’s purchase decision based on a friend’s recommendation. This data provided valuable insights into the influence of peer recommendations. A small percentage of 15% indicated that they were “not likely” to make a purchase solely off a friend’s recommendation of the product (Figure 9). The individuals in this group may rely on personal research, the quality of the product, or other personal preferences when buying a product. However, 77% of the participants answered “somewhat likely” or “likely” indicating that a large percentage of teenage girls are largely influenced by their friend’s recommendations. The 8% who answered very likely are those who have a great amount of trust in their friend’s recommendations. Once one friend recommends a product, a subsequent purchase is made by another friend and it gets adopted through a ripple effect.

Figure 10: How likely are you to buy something because a celebrity on social media recommended it?

Social media influencers play a vital role in the success of businesses. They inspire trends, shape consumer preferences, and create a positive brand image for companies. This finding is specifically regarding females, possibly attributed to the constant exposure to social media marketing through influencers. Nearly 60% of teenage girls reported that they were somewhat likely or likely to purchase a product because a celebrity on social media recommended it (Figure 10). Influencers hold great power in promoting products and building their brand.

Figure 11: Are you more likely to purchase a product based on a recommendation from a friend or from seeing an advertisement?

Nearly 90% of participants responded that they would rather purchase a product based on a recommendation from a friend rather than an advertisement (Figure 11). Advertisements play a big role in establishing brand recognition, but teenage girls prefer friend recommendations because of personal connections, trustworthiness, and reliability. These girls seek assurance that a product is high quality despite the company’s advertisements.

Figure 12: What kind of advertisements do you find most effective? Select 2 options.

Video marketing was chosen as the most effective marketing strategy with over 60% of people stating it is effective. Influencer marketing came in a close second only 10% less effective according to this survey. Lifestyle enhancement marketing and model-based product promotion are nearly tied at 31% and 30% (Figure 12).

Figure 13: How often do you use social media?

Teenage girls are constantly using social media, making them extremely susceptible to influences. 83% of teenage girls say that they use social media for at least five hours per week (Figure 12). Also, 12% say they use social media for fifteen or more hours per week.

Figure 14: Have you ever felt pressured to purchase a product because it was popular on social media?

Social validation is a huge factor when it comes to purchasing a product that is popular on social media. Individuals feel compelled to conform to trends to follow social norms. The fear of missing out drives impulsive purchasing choices. Social media is constantly showing people products that are popular, causing individuals to feel left out if they don’t purchase a particular product. Nearly 45% of teenage girls report that they feel pressure to purchase a product simply because it is trending on social media (Figure 14). Social media can cause individuals to compare themselves with one another. The desire to stay current with what is popular causes pressure to purchase trending items. Understanding these factors that drive consumer purchase behavior is essential for businesses.

Figure 15: Have you ever been disappointed by a product you bought from a social media advertisement?

60% of the participants stated that they have experienced disappointment with a product they bought from a social media advertisement (Figure 15). Social media advertisements are made appealing to capture the attention of teenage girls, but the product does not always live up to its expectations; this can lead to disappointment. Some social media advertisements exaggerate or make their product seem better than it is. When the product arrives and the consumer is disappointed, many times, the consumer doesn’t bother to return the product, leaving the business with a profit.

Figure 16: What factors, other than the brand, influence you to buy a product or support a brand?

Customer ratings seem to have a large effect on purchase behavior, with 65% of individuals saying it influences their purchase decisions (Figure 16). Social media platforms allow consumers to share their experiences through reviews. A large number of negative comments may deter potential buyers. Trends, especially fast-fashion trends, attract the demographic of teenage girls. 60% of participants stated that trends influence them when making purchasing decisions. Social media marketing of fast-fashion trends has recently increased along with the rise of social media. Price is the most impactful factor, and significantly shapes individuals purchasing decisions because they must consider affordability, which influences their choice more drastically than any other factor. Packaging design has a small percentage compared to the other factors, but still, approximately 25% say that packaging design impacts their purchasing decisions. Fast-fashion advertisements have been seen most prominently on Instagram and TikTok, revealing insights for businesses as to where to most effectively advertise their products.

Figure 17: Do you believe social media creates a sense of urgency to buy fast fashion items?

Nearly nine out of ten individuals acknowledge that social media plays a vital role in creating a sense of urgency to buy fast fashion items (Figure 17). The constant exposure to trending content within the fast-fashion industry underscores the influential role that social media plays in shaping consumer behavior, especially among teenage girls. 45% of teenage girls admit to using social media between 5-10 hours per week and 38% said they use it 10 hours or more per week. The constant bombardment of social media content influences them to purchase the newest products. Additionally, nearly all teenagers have access to a cell phone, making it easier than ever to access social media networks. This causes implications for various aspects of their lives including their social interaction and behaviors. The rise of social media and its easy accessibility significantly increases consumer purchasing behavior. Businesses should acknowledge this data and use it to their advantage by strategically utilizing social media for marketing, brand promotion, and connecting with their target audience: teenage girls. Next, we conduct the hypothesis testing with inferential analysis.

Inferential Analysis

For testing the hypothesis, we use the Chi-Square Test of Independence. This statistical test is appropriate for examining the relationship between two categorical variables. In this context, the two variables are the effectiveness of each marketing strategy (categorized as “Effective” or “Not Effective”) and the likelihood of purchasing fast fashion items (categorized as “Very likely,” “Somewhat likely,” and “Not likely”).

The Chi-Square Test of Independence is chosen because it allows us to determine whether there is a significant association between these categorical variables. This test is particularly useful when dealing with survey data where responses are often categorical rather than continuous. By using this test, we can assess whether the observed frequencies in the data differ significantly from the expected frequencies under the null hypothesis, which states that there is no association between the effectiveness of the marketing strategy and the likelihood of purchasing fast fashion items.

When the p-value is less than the common alpha level of 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, the particular marketing strategy would significantly impact the likelihood of teenage girls purchasing fast fashion items. The significant result from the Chi-Square Test indicates that a marketing strategy has a notable impact on the purchase decisions of teenage girls in the fast fashion industry.

Statistical TestChi-Square Statistic (X²)Degrees of Freedom (df)p-valueSignificance level
H1: Influencer marketing7.77620.020**(<0.05) Significant
H2: Model-based product promotion0.16020.923(>0.05) Not Significant
H3: Lifestyle enhancement marketing3.76420.152(>0.05) Not Significant
H4: video marketing0.40120.818(>0.05) Not Significant
Table 3: Chi-Square Test Results

For H1, the results from the Chi-Square Test are displayed in the table above. The Chi-Square statistic is 7.776, with 2 degrees of freedom, and a p-value of 0.020. Since the p-value is less than the commonly accepted significance level of 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. This indicates a statistically significant association between the perceived effectiveness of influencer marketing and the likelihood of purchasing fast fashion items.

However, the Chi-Square Test for H2 results yielded a Chi-Square statistic of 0.401 and a p-value of 0.818. Because the p-value exceeds the commonly used significance level of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Similarly, the results from the Chi-Square Test for H3, as displayed in the table above, show a Chi-Square statistic of 3.764 with 2 degrees of freedom and a p-value of 0.152. Since the p-value exceeds the conventional significance threshold of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. The results from the Chi-Square Test for H3 reveal a Chi-Square statistic of 0.401 with 2 degrees of freedom and a p-value of 0.818. Since the p-value is substantially higher than the conventional significance threshold of 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. This indicates that there is no significant association between the perceived effectiveness of model-based product promotion marketing, lifestyle enhancement marketing or video marketing and the likelihood of purchasing fast fashion items among teenage girls.

The implications of this finding are substantial for marketing strategists in the fast fashion industry. Brands should prioritize collaborations with influencers who have a strong following among teenage girls and who can authentically promote their products. Influencers who resonate well with this demographic can significantly drive purchase decisions, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Moreover, brands should invest in identifying and partnering with influencers who align well with their brand image and values to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts.

Additionally, the model-based product promotion, while visually appealing and useful for brand consistency, may not be a decisive factor in the purchase decisions of teenage girls. Marketers in the fast fashion industry should consider this when designing their promotional strategies. It may be beneficial to integrate model-based promotions with other interactive and engaging content that more directly influences teenage consumers’ purchasing behavior. Future research could explore which aspects of model-based promotions could be enhanced to increase their effectiveness or identify alternative visual marketing strategies that may have a stronger impact on this demographic.

Moreover, lifestyle enhancement marketing, despite its aspirational appeal, may not be a decisive factor in influencing the purchase decisions of teenage girls. This implies that while this marketing strategy may resonate on an emotional level, it does not necessarily translate into higher purchase intentions. For marketers in the fast fashion industry, this result highlights the importance of integrating lifestyle enhancement marketing with other strategies that more directly impact purchasing behavior. Future research could explore the specific elements of lifestyle enhancement marketing that might be refined to enhance their effectiveness or identify alternative approaches that more effectively influence teenage girls’ purchase decisions.

Finally, video marketing, despite its dynamic and engaging nature, may not be a critical factor in influencing the purchase decisions of teenage girls. This suggests that while video marketing can be an effective tool for brand engagement and visibility, it does not necessarily lead to higher purchase intentions within this demographic. For marketers in the fast fashion industry, this result underscores the importance of combining video marketing with other strategies that have a more direct impact on purchasing behavior. Future research could investigate the specific elements of video marketing that might enhance its effectiveness or identify alternative content strategies that could more effectively drive teenage girls’ purchase decisions.


Stakeholder perception, marketing strategies, impact of marketing strategies, and challenges all contributed to the impact of social media marketing in the teenage girls’ fast fashion industry. Once businesses understand their stakeholder perceptions, they can establish effective marketing strategies. First, businesses must gather data on stakeholder perception through surveys, social media monitoring, and other methods to identify key insights and trends. Following this, stakeholders should be grouped into distinct groups based on age, gender, ethnicity, and preferences to customize marketing strategies to specific audiences. Next, businesses should develop marketing strategies that will resonate most with each stakeholder group. Businesses should then allocate the necessary resources (budget, tools) to effectively support the chosen marketing strategies. The next step is to test marketing strategies on a small scale before full implementation. Continuous monitoring of the performance of the marketing strategies is essential for businesses to be able to adjust areas that need improvement. Finally, establishing a feedback loop to collect input from consumers will help businesses remain relevant and effective.  Following these steps will help businesses see the impact of their marketing strategies. However, challenges may occur when deciding what marketing strategies to use for the stakeholder perceptions. These challenges include: constantly changing trends, engagement and interaction, and competition. The fast-paced nature of trends in the fast fashion industry poses a threat to businesses. If they don’t adapt quickly enough, their marketing strategies may become irrelevant and ineffective, leading to a decrease in consumer purchase behavior. Additionally, businesses must utilize marketing strategies that are not only relevant, but also engaging. Engagement and interaction is crucial for marketing success. Pitfalls may occur if businesses fail to uphold consistent and meaningful engagement with their consumers. Lastly, the content overload on social media requires fast fashion businesses to develop unique and compelling content that fosters genuine connections with consumers to overcome fierce competition for attention that occurs on social media platforms. With this framework, businesses can predict the challenges they may face. Literature review, content analysis, and survey strategies were employed to design the proposed framework.

Figure 18: Diagrammatic framework for marketing strategies in the fast-fashion industry

Teenage girls are crucial stakeholders in the social media world. With the ability to spread trends quickly, social media targets this demographic because they are easily influenced19. Teenage girls are especially susceptible to buying fast fashion products from trending products on social media because of the social pressures they experience and their frequent use of social media. They have a strong desire for social validation and they find it in purchasing trendy fast-fashion products to conform to social norms. Understanding the influential nature of social media on teenage girls can help fast-fashion businesses attract their target audience.

Marketers and businesses play an important role in shaping brand image and consumer purchase behavior. They can promote products they wish to promote and display how they want them to be perceived. Marketers utilize social media to connect and engage with their consumers. This enables them to gain insights from consumers, like the newest trends. However, businesses must use caution when advertising as too much advertisement may make the consumer feel like a product is being forced on them, leading to decreased purchase intention14. The bombardment of advertisements can overwhelm the consumer, so it is crucial to advertise in moderation.

Social media platforms serve as powerful catalysts, allowing communication and interaction between businesses and consumers. Visual appealing advertisements, such as images and videos, attract teenage girls by creating a compelling narrative that leads them to purchase the product. On Instagram, these girls can feel like they are interacting directly with a company, thus helping businesses build relationships with their consumers and making them feel like they are part of a brand community20. Social media allows businesses to reach a broader audience, engaging a more diverse consumer base. Social media offers easy accessibility and the spread of promotional campaigns.

Social media influencers play a huge role in advertising because they can act like relatable figures who connect with teenage girls19. They can sway consumer purchase behavior, by incorporating advertisements into their content. Influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior, as they can generate interest and provoke actions21. Influencers offer a personal touch to an advertisement, which brings an authentic aspect to a promotion.

Companies utilize influencer marketing to play a vital role in their advertising, as influencers uniquely connect and inspire their audience. Influencers can target a specific demographic, making them a vital aspect of a business’s marketing strategy. Influencers create an authentic reputation that, in turn, attracts young women to look to them as reliable sources of information. Close relationships with followers can contribute to an increase in purchase intention22. Influencers not only play a big role in raising brand awareness, but they also incorporate products into their everyday content, contributing to the direct sales of a product. Businesses partner with influencers because of their capability to captivate their target audience: teenage girls. Companies should not focus on the number of followers an influencer has, but, instead focus on finding an influencer that matches the style of their company23. Focusing on the influencer’s ability to advertise to a particular audience will help businesses succeed.

Companies use model-based product promotion to showcase their products. The visual aspect of the model plays a vital role in capturing the audience’s attention, so businesses must choose models who will represent the image and values of a business. The use of models creates compelling advertisements that emphasize their features, leaving the audience with a lasting impression of a product.
Lifestyle enhancement marketing is an approach where businesses associate products with a better lifestyle. Businesses offer products that people believe will enhance their lives; businesses focus not only on advertising a product but on promoting the enriched life that comes with the purchase of a particular product. Lifestyle enhancement marketing involves positioning products to align with the interests of the targeted market and implementing campaigns that appeal to one’s lifestyle to increase the market value of a product24. When people associate a product with a better lifestyle, they may be willing to pay a higher price for the product, leading to more profit for the businesses.

Video marketing creates a dynamic presence, capturing the audience’s attention. Fast-fashion brands can benefit from utilizing video platforms to promote their products and foster consumer engagement. Video marketing offers simplicity in communication, creating clear direct contact between the consumer and the company25. Establishing a deep connection with the consumer will benefit businesses by promoting brand loyalty.

The fear of missing out is a major driving force for the fast-fashion industry leading teenage girls to conform to trends. Social media is constantly displaying popular products, causing individuals to feel left out if they don’t purchase a particular product. Social validation techniques are employed by profit-making organizations26. Cialdini’s insight demonstrates the use of social media validation techniques for businesses to increase profits.

The rise of social media has contributed to the rapid spread of trends because of its easy accessibility which significantly increases consumer purchasing behavior. Social media is readily available, making trends spread even faster than they did before; 95% of teens say that they have a smartphone or access to one27. Businesses should recognize this and promote, connect with teenage girls, and build their brand on one of the most powerful networks in the world: social media.

Through social media networks like Instagram, TikTok, and other large platforms, businesses can spread brand awareness. Companies can display their products, share their values, and spread brand awareness on these networks, leading customers to become familiar with a brand and, eventually, purchase from them. Companies who wish to promote a new product should use social media because it offers public awareness of the product28.

Fast-fashion is a constantly changing trend, which poses challenges to businesses. Businesses are pressured to be constantly creating new designs at a faster pace than ever before. The speed of the fast fashion system leads to stress, uncertainty, and exhaustion for workers and society in general29. Constantly changing trends challenges businesses to keep up with the market demands. The ability to deal with these changes is a vital factor in the success of a business.

Businesses struggle with engagement and interaction to make content that captures and retains people’s attention30. Simply advertising is no longer enough for a business to succeed; they must actively interact with their consumers. Engaging with customers and receiving feedback from them is found to have a positive influence on the consumer’s perception of the brand31. Businesses must work hard to interact with their consumers to build a genuine connection rather than just advertising. Businesses struggle to get the public’s attention because of the enormous amount of information on social media, making it hard for a specific business to stand out32. With nearly every fast fashion brand advertising on social media, individual businesses must employ creative strategies to capture their audience’s attention33.

Competition in the fast-fashion industry is cutting edge with new brands and stores popping up every now and then. Competition in the fast-fashion industry is intense and dynamic and is driven by changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. Amidst this cut-throat competition of price wars, it becomes difficult for companies to be innovative and ahead of the game.

Not all stakeholders have the same perceptions and objectives. Customers not only prioritize products that align with the trending fashion; they are also looking for products that are good quality and durable, ensuring longevity. Customers also value brand engagement through social media. Interactive content, such as videos that showcase behind-the-scenes action and feedback loops to make them feel involved and valued. Social media promotions that encourage active participation and keep the customers engaged can enhance the consumers overall perception of the brand.

Employees are primarily concerned about a positive work environment where there is supportive leadership, respect, and open communication. They value a company that has moral standards and ethical practices to feel committed and have a sense of belonging in their workplace. Employees are also deeply concerned with the stability of their job. Job security gives employees predictability of employment and potential for long-term development within a company. A positive social media presence can build a positive image for a company and support its reputation, attracting employees.Investors prioritize return on investment and market expansion. They analyze how effective marketing strategies are in order to increase profit and maximize value. A positive ROI (return on investment) indicates that a company’s marketing efforts are successful and contributing to success. Investors are always looking for strategies to increase market share which will lead to an increase in sales. They are also interested in reaching new customers and staying ahead of competitors.  By targeting specific demographics and analyzing data to optimize advertisements investors can achieve a positive ROI. Aligning marketing efforts with investor expectations enables companies to attract investment, foster business growth, and generate value for stakeholders.


Businesses can utilize the results from this study to advertise to their target audience most effectively. Social media marketing is complex and can be difficult to compete with other businesses, but with the information this study provides, marketing can be simple and effective. This study provides information on how businesses can target their selected audience using the most effective apps and the most effective techniques. Social media has become incredibly more prevalent recently and marketing strategies are constantly changing, making it challenging for businesses to keep up with the current trends. With a specific focus on teenage girls, this study discovered that they are incredibly susceptible to being affected by social media. It can determine their purchasing behavior, which can contribute to the success of a business. Creative marketing strategies are vital for businesses to thrive in the fast-fashion industry.
This study displays teenage girls’ tendency to be easily influenced by social media. It sheds light on the social implications of social media marketing that businesses can utilize for their benefit.

Limitations and Future Directions

Understanding the limitations of this study is crucial for correctly analyzing this information and considering future directions. First, the survey analyzed women who actively interact with social media, which may have excluded those who are not active on social media; this may have created a potential bias in the results. The survey only reported one hundred teenage girls, which may have excluded a large population who are not as active on social media. In the future, the study should be expanded to thousands of teenagers across the United States. Additionally, the respondents may have answered the questions in a way they thought was socially acceptable, thus creating untruthful answers. Since the surveys were self-reported they may lack truthful data, thus creating inaccurate results. Social media is constantly evolving; therefore, the data provided may be limited to the near future, so the data may expire quickly. Like trends, social media usage and engagement are always changing, different apps may become popular, and different marketing methods may become invented. Therefore, it is not possible to know how long this data will be accurate. Additionally, since the data is specific to teenage girls in the United States, the data may not be generalized to a larger population. This study’s application was limited to a specific demographic, limiting the ability to apply the results to a larger context. Causation versus correlation is another limitation of this study. Since external factors are not being taken into account, it is difficult to be able to state the causation between social media engagement and consumer behavior. Correlation has been discussed, but causation is not possible to prove without considering all aspects of possible factors. As with all studies, this study has limitations that must be taken into account.


This study aimed to examine the impact of social media marketing on consumer purchase behavior in the teenage girls’ fast fashion industry within the United States. This study investigated many factors such as the impacts of advertisements, the role influencers play in impacting consumer purchase behavior, and social pressures to purchase trending products. This study had a specific focus on the demographic of teenage girls.

Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data through surveys on Google Forms. The study collected survey responses from 100 teenage girls in the US and they had the flexibility to complete them whenever convenient. The survey included questions about the frequency of their use of social media, which social media platforms they use most often, the influence of influencers, and the impact their friends’ purchasing behavior has on their purchasing behavior.

The findings from this study reveal the role that social media plays in influencing consumer purchase behavior, especially among teenage girls. Instagram and TikTok are the platforms that businesses should target when deciding where to advertise. The influencers on these social media platforms are powerful agents who influence individuals to purchase certain products. This study also uncovered the force behind social validation. Social media plays a huge role in shaping consumer preferences and influencing people to purchase certain products. When people’s peers showcase a certain product on social media, it drives others to purchase the same product. Implications for this study are substantial for businesses in the teenage girls’ fast fashion industry. Businesses can utilize social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, to create engaging content that will increase sales.

Businesses can also partner with influencers to promote their product which will influence which products consumers purchase. Recognizing these marketing strategies and taking advantage of them will help businesses grow, create a positive brand image, and make more profit. This study offers valuable insights into the complex relationship between social media marketing and consumer purchasing behavior in the teenage girls’ fast fashion industry in the United States.  


I would like to thank my mentor Soniya Gupta for her unwavering encouragement, patience, and dedication to helping me write this research paper. I would also like to thank my writing coach, Joley Costa, and publication strategist Anustup Garai, whose guidance and support have been invaluable. Finally, I extend my gratitude to my family and friends for inspiring and supporting my journey. I am beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such dedicated mentors. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me every step of the way.


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