NHSJS depends on the support of its readers and their families. We’ve put together a number of resources that we hope you will find helpful. By clicking on the links below, NHSJS may receive affiliate advertising revenue.
Educational resources:
- Check out top STEM programs across the country. We’ve compiled a list here.
- Save 50% off of a subscription to Nature, one of the top journals in biology and medicine. Offer valid only between September 7 – 23, 2020.
- Discover thousands of amazing documentaries and scientific videos over at Curiosity Stream! Click here to sign up for the free trial.
- Take Andrew Ng’s highly recommended course in Deep Learning over at Coursera.
- Sign up for a free Grammarly account and start improving your writing immediately. You can check out our full review of their system here.
- Learn programming the way I learned it with a Python Bootcamp from Udemy or take the top ranked ML course.
- Get 10% off a Udacity Nanodegree Program (expires July 12, 2019) or take a course on AI
- Learn to code or further develop your programming skills with free, flexible, online coding courses at FutureLearn
SAT Prep:
- Get your free SAT practice test from The Princeton Review
- Boost your SAT score with prep from Magoosh
- Contact us at admin @ nhsjs.com if you’re using us in your classroom! We want to do a better job of helping you teach scientific writing and communication
- Save 25% off or more from Scholastic’s The Teacher Store
DNA sequencing and ancestry:
- Get information about your ancestry via LivingDNA
- Fiverr offers Freelance Services For The Lean Entrepreneur. Use Fiverr to hire top talent around the world. Don’t just dream, do.
College admissions books:
- Fiske Guide to Colleges 2019 (from Amazon)
- The Princeton Review’s Top 384 Colleges (from Amazon)
- Crafting a winning personal statement (from Amazon)
- A step-by-step guide to a successful college admissions essay (from Amazon)
Thanks again for taking the time to read and support the NHSJS.
The NHSJS Executive Team