Spring Bling displays multiple physics related concepts: surface tension, refraction, density, and color.
Surface tension is the attraction of molecules to one another on a liquid’s surface. In Spring Bling, underneath the surface of the water all of the molecules have equal pressure pushing on them from all sides. The water molecules on the surface, however, do not have molecules above them pushing down, so they are more strongly attracted to their neighbors. This attraction causes the flowers and leaves in the bowl to move towards each other or to the edge of the bowl. Each object in the bowl is touching either another object or the side of the bowl.
The second concept demonstrated in Spring Bling is refraction. As light waves travel through the different mediums of the air, the water, and then the glass bowl, the direction of the light is altered. This creates the light under the bowl.
The third physics concept demonstrated in the photograph is density. All of the objects in the bowl float because of their density. Density is found by mass divided by volume, and if an object’s density is less than that of water, then it will float.
The final physics concept demonstrated in Spring Bling is color. Each different object and element in the picture has a different color. Color is caused by different quantities of light being absorbed and reflected. The pink flowers, for example, reflect pink light waves and absorb all of the other colors.