In number theory and group theory, class numbers are used to quantify the “closeness” of a quadratic ring to being a unique factorization domain, where a class number of 1 implies unique factorization. Gauss conjectured that the only negative and even discriminants that have a class number of 1 are . This is the simplest example of a class number theorem, which attempts to find all discriminants associated with a given class number. In 1934, Gauss’ conjecture was generalized, using complex analysis, to the statement that there exist a finite number of discriminants for a given class number. In this paper, we use the theory of binary quadratic forms to present an alternative and more elementary proof of class number theorems. The paper explores group structures on quadratic curves in
. In particular, we define a general elliptical rotational group of rational points on a quadratic curve
, denoted
. This is a natural extension of the well-studied circle group, which is a geometric interpretation of
through the rational points on a unit circle. The circle group can also be thought of as a group structure on the set of all Pythagorean triples. The general elliptical group is then used to show that the irreducible elements in
relate to irreducible numbers in
. Two elementary proofs for the class number theorem for
are presented, which can then be generalized to all discriminants of the form
. These proofs are used to classify the irreducible elements of
for curves that use quadratic forms with the given discriminant.
Keywords: Rational Points, Quadratic Curves, Group Structures, Class numbers, Quadratic Forms
In this paper, we will explore the condition for the existence of rational points curves of the form , where
and the group structures that they create. We will also explore the group structures of quadratic forms
, namely the class group
, using the principal forms with discriminant
. Finally, we use the group structures of the rational points on quadratic curves to solve class number theorems using an elementary approach, which are solutions to the equation
for some
According to Shanks, Gauss conjectured that the only discriminants of the form such that
1,2. This corresponds to the forms
respectively. A more general conjecture pertaining to all negative discriminants was proven over 170 years later by Kurt Heegner, which was related refined by Harold Stark3,4.
In 1934, Heilbronn and Linfoot showed that the number of solutions to is always finite for any
is negative, although this is still an open problem for positive
. However, the machinery used by Heilbronn and Linfoot involves complex analysis and elliptical forms5.
In this paper, we will use the group structures defined in the below sections to give a more elementary version of the proof for , which also has implications for the group structures on the rational points on ellipses.
A natural generalization of this simpler approach examines the rational points on different forms of varying degrees and finds a group structure on a manifold that has a similar connection, similar to the connection seen for Lie Groups6. An example of such a proposed connection would be between quadratic forms of three variables and quadric surfaces.
Definitions and Representations
A quadratic form is any polynomial , where
is an arbitrary ring. This can be written as

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For the case of , the matrix form is
. This paper will concern itself with quadratic forms in
, which are all polynomials of the form
, where
. The form
is also denoted by
. In this case, the related matrix
is simply
The discriminant of a quadratic form is
. As the form
is also a form in
, embedding the form
leads to rational points in
By clearing the denominator to ensure all coefficients are integers, the equation becomes . Since this paper studies rational solutions, letting
transforms the equation into
, which is the equivalent integer equation to
Some Conditions on a’, b’, and c’
This section will show a bijection between the rational solutions to any quadratic curve to one with positive, square-free, and pairwise coprime coefficients exist. If for some curve , there exists another curve
such that
has a rational point if and only if
has one, this bijection will be denoted as
for two quadratic curves
Lemma 1.2.1. For any quadratic curve ,
, where
has square-free coefficients.
Proof. Assume that the coefficients are not square-free, meaning
is square-free for
. Then
is equivalent to
These two curves have a bijective map, as any rational point

Lemma 1.2.2. For any quadratic curve ,
, where
has pairwise coprime coefficients.
Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that as if
, then dividing each coefficient by
without changing the curve. Now assume that
. Then, using the equivalent integer equation, we have that
, implying
. Since
, meaning
. Furthermore, as every divisor of a square-free integer is square-free,
. Letting
and dividing by
Clearly, these two curves are related through the simple bijective map

Lemma 1.2.3. For any quadratic curve ,
, where
such that
are positive.
Proof. If only and
are negative or only
is negative, the only solution to
, which produces indeterminate results. If
and either
is negative, then making the change of variables
will make all coefficients positive. Finally, if one or three coefficients are negative, multiplying by -1 reduces it to the cases discussed above.
Using these three lemmas, we have a bijection to the set of quadratic curves with all coefficients to be positive, pairwise co-prime, and square-free.
The Class Group
For any given quadratic form, there is a multitude of forms that have similar properties to it. For example, the forms and
are equivalent under the substitution
. Note that this change of variables can be represented by the matrix
. In general, a change of variables can be expressed as
for some
. Therefore, for a quadratic form that has an associated matrix
, the change of variables is equivalent to the matrix transformation
. For defining the class group, we will be interested in transformations that leave the discriminant unchanged, meaning that
. This implies that
. However, the rest of the paper will only be concerned with the case where
, or
, which will be made clear from lemmas 1.3.4 and 1.3.8. For the rest of the paper, we will also use the following definitions:
Definition 1.3.1. Two forms and
are said to be properly equivalent if and only if there exists some unique
that transforms
, denoted
Definition 1.3.2. A number is said to represent a form
if there exists some
such that
is said to be a principal representative if
Lemma 1.3.3. Two equivalent forms represent the same set of numbers.
Proof. By definition, for two forms and
to be equivalent, there exists some
that encodes the transformation from
. Since
forms a group, there exists an inverse matrix
that encodes the transformation from
. Therefore, if
, then
, meaning
describes the point such that
, meaning for any
that represents
, it also represents
. Similarly, for any
that represents
, it also represents
, which proves the lemma.
We will now define the notion of principal forms, using the following lemma:
Lemma 1.3.4. is a principal representative of a form
if and only if
Proof. By definition, there must exist some such that
. Now consider the matrix
such that
. The existence of
is guaranteed since
. By making the substitution
and expanding terms, we get
Similarly, if

Theorem 1.3.5. Every form with a negative discriminant is properly equivalent to a form such that
Proof. Let be a form with a negative discriminant. It can be assumed that
is positive since
. Now let
denote the Hessian matrix, defined by
For a quadratic form

By letting , we have
, meaning we can test values of
with the same parity as
. Since
, implying
. Therefore, only values of
satisfying this inequality need to be tested. Any form that meets all these properties is called primitive forms.
Corollary 1.3.6. There are a finite number of primitive discriminants for each negative .
This directly follows from .
Example 1.3.7.To calculate all primitive forms for , we must have
, and
. Since
must be even as well. The following table summarizes the results.
h | ac | (a,c) |
0 | 30 | (1,30), (2,15), (3,10), (5,6) |
![]() | 31 | (1,31) |
![]() | 34 | (1,34),(2,17) |
![]() | 39 | (1,39),(3,13) |
Since we only consider solutions where , the only primitive forms with
, and
. For example, by letting
, we see that
The class group, denoted is the group of principal forms with a fixed discriminant
. The group operation is defined by considering the product
are independent sets of variables and writing the product as
, where
are linear combinations of
. See section 6.1 of Long’s work for more details on this multiplication7. To check whether this operation is well-defined, we use the following lemma:
Lemma 1.3.8. If and
, then
Proof: Let be a primitive representative of
be a primitive representative of
. Then by definition,
. By choosing
such that
is a primitive representative,
. From Lemma 1.3.3,
, meaning
, implying
, proving the lemma.
Due to the “if and only if” nature of Lemma 1.3.4, the above lemma only works for proper equivalence. If the forms and
were related by a change of variables such that
, the multiplication of quadratic forms would not be well-defined.
Example 1.3.9. To demonstrate the above lemma, consider the forms and
. By making the change of variables
, we see that
. To compute the product
, we see that
Meaning that . However, by letting
, and computing their product gives
Which means that , demonstrating the lemma for this specific case.
Example 1.3.10. For , for each form
, where
, meaning
is the identity. Furthermore,
. By letting
, every
can be described using only
, meaning
through the isomorphism
In general, since the multiplication of forms is a commutative operation, is Abelian, meaning it can be decomposed into the product of cyclic groups.
Prime Representatives
This section will look at the prime representatives of the forms in for a fixed
, as the prime representatives can be used to find every representative of a given form in
using. To motivate the study of prime representatives, we first start with a few lemmas:
Lemma 1.4.1. If is a primitive representative of a form
, every divisor of
is represented by another form
Proof. From Lemma 1.3.4, if is represented by
, then
Therefore, for any

Lemma 1.4.2. For any prime representing a form that doesn’t divide
, where
is the Legendre symbol.
Proof. Using Lemma 1.4.1, where
. Since
. Since,
Lemma 1.4.3. A reduced form has order 2 in
if and only if
Proof. Let ,
with discriminant
. Then
. Note that this is a primitive representative of the identity element, implying
. Therefore,
has order 2 if and only if
. Since any transformation taking
must fix the
coefficients, the transformation must be of the form
, where
. However, if
, the coefficient of
, meaning no such transformation can exist. Therefore, the only valid transformation is
, giving
, implying that
. This proves the lemma.
These lemmas are the beginning of classifying what primes represent different forms in . For example, when
, so any primes representing these two forms must satisfying
. To analyze these expressions further, we use the following theorems without proof:
Theorem 1.4.4. Law of Quadratic Reciprocity: For odd primes
Theorem 1.4.5.
Therefore, we see that if , then for any odd prime
If , this can be used to drastically simplify the expression for
in general. For example,
Using Theorem 1.5.4, the value of remains constant for representatives of the same form, and
can be easily calculated using Theorem 1.4.5. Hence, only using the coefficients of
, we can derive what primes represent a given form in
. However, this method can fail to distinguish between forms, most notably the forms
. If
, then
, meaning this method works best when
for all
. This is equivalent to
, for some
. In this case, it becomes possible to distinguish the primitive representatives for all
using quadratic residues. Gauss conjectured that there existed 65 such
for which this holds. We will explore some
such that
in Section 2.5.
The final piece necessary to find prime representatives is the following theorem:
Theorem 1.4.6. If and
are odd primes, then
, where
is arbitrary.
Example 1.4.7. To find all prime representatives for the form , we first write
Using the coefficients of the quadratic form ( and
), we see that
, meaning that for any prime representative of
. This means
, implying
. Hence, the primes
are prime representatives of
1.5 Legendre’s Theorem on Quadratic Curves
This section examines Legendre’s theorem on quadratic curves, giving the exact conditions for the solvability of an equation of the form , which is given below:
Theorem 1.5.1. The Diophantine equation has a solution
if and only if
, and
, and all three coefficients have the same sign.
Proving one direction of this theorem becomes trivial with a few simple lemmas presented below when combined with the results of Section 1.4.
Lemma 1.5.2. and
are pairwise coprime.
Proof. It can be assumed without loss of generality that . If
, then the triple

Lemma 1.5.3. .
Proof. Assume that . Then, there would exist some prime
such that
, implying
. However, since
, either
. However, if
, then
, contradicting Lemma 1.2.2, and if
, then
, contradicting Lemma 1.5.2. This proves the lemma.
A very similar argument is used to show . The final lemma we need is from Proposition 6.19 of Allen Hatcher’s “Topology of Numbers”8.
Theorem 1.5.4. For any that represents a form
takes the same value for any odd prime dividing
, given that
If has a non-trivial solution
, then by making the substitution
, we see that
, implying that
is a representative of
. Hence, from Lemma 1.4.2, for any
must take the same value for any representative. Since
for all
, meaning
. By making the substitution
and repeating the above procedure, we recover the other two conditions from Legendre’s theorem.
From Legendre’s theorem, we are able to know when a quadratic curve has a rational point, which is key to studying the group of rational points on a quadratic curve, explored in the next few sections below.
Group of Rational Points
Parameterization of Rational Points
Assuming that the curve has a rational point
(See Section 1.5 for more details), using the natural embedding in the plane to generate every rational point along
. First, construct a line through
with slope
, where
. The equation for this line is
. The intersection between this line and
can be found through substitution, as
Expanding this out and simplifying it gives
Since the line will always intersect the curve at , this quadratic must have a factor of
. Furthermore, as
. Therefore,
Meaning either or
Using this, the expression for becomes
Clearly, if , then
. However, for any rational point
, there exists a unique line connecting
to the point
which must have a rational slope, meaning there exists some
that generates
. Therefore, the above parameterization generates every rational point on
, denoted
Group Action Motivation: The Circle Group
Before moving on to a general quadratic curve, we will first investigate the rational points on the unit circle. First of all, it is clear that all points on a circle form a group with the operation being rotation. The group structure is made more clear through the isomorphism , where
, denoting the group formed by all real numbers
Theorem 2.2.1. The rational points of a circle form a group under rotation.
Proof. Consider the rotation matrix,
Using the parameterization ,
to describe each point on the unit circle, given two rational points
, the rotation operation is equivalent to the following matrix multiplication
(r3 – r4 r4 r3) (r1 -r2 r2 r1) = (r1r3-r2r4 – r2r3 – r1r4 r2r3 + r1r4 r1r2 – r2r4)
Which suggests the following operation
Since the rational points form a subgroup of the entire circle, we only need to show closure and inverses exist. The point is the identity as
and the inverse element of
is given by
, as
. The operation is also closed since
forms a field.
This group action for the unit circle, defined by is the simplest and a very well-studied group. Each rational point on the unit circle corresponds to an integer solution to
. In the next section, we will generalize this to all curves of the form
with a rational point.
General Rotational Group of Rational Points
Consider a curve with a given rational point
will be defined as the generator of the group of rational points on
, denoted
. From Section 1.2, it can be assumed that
, and
are positive, meaning
describes an ellipse. The counterclockwise parameterization of an ellipse is given by
, for some
. This means for some
. From section 2.1, we can pick two additional rational points
, meaning that for some
We now define the action of “rotationally” adding two points and
around the axis created by the origin, defined as rotating
ellipse by the angle between
. This is a generalization of the rotational action of the circle group. By considering the point at the angle
, we see that
Therefore, we can define the group action as
The identity is , as the point is along the axis of rotation, meaning it adds an angle of zero, leaving the second point unchanged. This can also be verified algebraically. To find an inverse of a rational point
, consider
giving two linear equations of two variables, which can be solved. Furthermore,
by definition, meaning the rational points on
form a group under the operation
Example 2.3.1. Consider the curve with rational point
. Then
, meaning that the group operation for rotationally adding two points around
From section 2.1, points on (C) can be parameterized as follows:
By letting in these parameterizations, we get the points
. Hence,
Which is the point , and is on
Theorem 2.3.2. For any , such that
have rational solutions for some fixed
, there exists an isomorphism from
irrespective of the generators of the two groups.
To see why this theorem holds true, let the generator of be
and the generator of
. For some rational points
, from the results of section 2.1, there exist some
such that
Plugging these expressions into the group operation gives an extremely cumbersome algebraic expression, though the most important observation is that neither the definition of or group operation depend on
, meaning that an isomorphism can be defined by “swapping”
, and
in both the parameterizations of
and the group operation. Since the parameterizations of
are unique, the resulting mapping from points on
\subsection*{Group Structures of }
For any rational points on a quadratic curve
, there exists some
that parameterize the points
. Now let
, with
such that
. Then the triple
defined as
which satisfies the equation , where
. Using the definition of the group operation from section 2.3, we have that
corresponds to

Therefore, the following claim is made:
\textbf{Claim 2.4.1.} A point is defined to be reducible if it can be expressed as
, for some
. If
, parameterize
. Then
is reducible if
for some
From the discussion above, it seems that the above claim should hold true, but in order to prove rigorously such a claim, we need to examine the structure of further. For that, the following theorem is very useful:
Theorem 2.4.2. Let ,
are pairwise coprime non-zero integers. Then the product
can be written as
in two distinct ways (up to multiplication by
), where
are integer polynomials of
Proof. Expanding the product gives
. Since
are coprime, only terms that contain
can form
. However, if we only choose the term
(in effect letting
), the remaining three terms can never be of the form
. This is because
must be of the form
Comparing terms shows that

This implies that

Corollary 2.4.3.
This can be shown by applying the theorem twice.
As an example, consider and
. Equating coefficients, we see that
. Theorem 2.4.2 then states that

Theorem 2.4.2 is a special case of a more general form of the statement, which includes a term in both
, the proof of which is contained in Proposition 7.5 of Allen Hatcher’s “Topology of Numbers”. This will be referred to as the generalized version of Theorem 2.4.1. The following lemma using generalized Theorem 2.4.1 is constructed:
Lemma 2.4.4. If the discriminant of is even for
Proof. Using the generalized Theorem 2.4.1, . Since
is even,
must be even implying
is even. Next, we use the substitution
, which is equivalent to the matrix

To make use of the theory of quadratic forms introduced in section 1.4, we will need the following definition of a reducible representative of a quadratic form and a theorem relating
and the quadratic forms.
Definition 2.4.5. A primitive representative of the quadratic form is said to be reducible if
is the product of two or more primitive representatives of
Theorem 2.4.6. Let be a curve of the form
, where
are positive. A point
parameterized by
is irreducible if and only if
is an irreducible representative of the quadratic form
Proof. By using the principle of contraposition, the theorem statement is equivalent to proving a point is reducible if and only if
is reducible. By definition, if a point
is reducible, then
is the product of (at least)
principle representatives. Now if
is reducible, and
is not the identity in
, then using Corollary 2.4.3,
. From Theorem 2.3.2, there is an isomorphism mapping
generated by
, where
is the curve defined by
is generated by the point
. By letting
, we see that
generated by
generated by
have the property that
is generated by
and is reducible by Claim 2.4.1. If
is the identity and
is a reducible representative, then
. Hence, by letting
, using Theorem 2.3.2 shows
, where
is generated by the point
. Since
is reducible
, where
. Since
, we see that the point generated by
is reducible by Claim 2.4.1.
Using Theorem 2.4.6, the following claim is constructed:
Claim 2.4.7.
For any such that
is prime, the point generated by
is an irreducible element of
. It might seem that these are all the irreducible elements, though by considering the form
, we see that despite 6 being composite, it is a primitive representative as
have no solutions. In fact, these two primes represent the other primitive form in
, namely
. However, Claim 2.4.7 can be made stronger when
, using the following theorem:
Theorem 2.4.8. If , the collection of points parameterized by
such that
is prime describes all irreducible elements of
Proof. Assume that for some ,
factors into
, where
. From Lemma 2.4.8, both
must be represented by a form in
, but since there is only one form in
must be represented by
. Therefore,
is a reducible representative.
Theorem 2.4.9. Let be the set of primes represented by a form
. If
and if
is the identity, the collection of points generated by
such that
, where
, describe all irreducible elements of
. If
is not the identity, then the collection of points generated by
such that
describes all irreducible points.
Proof. Using Claim 2.4.7, if is prime, then it is a primitive representative. If
is not prime, then from Lemma 2.4.8, every divisor of
is represented by
. Now, if
is the identity in
and there exists some
that represents
, then by definition
is a primitive representative of
, meaning that
is reducible. Therefore, either
is prime or all divisors of
are represented by
(except 1). However, if
has more than three factors
that represent
, then by considering the divisor pair
, both numbers are representatives of
, meaning
is reducible.
If is not the identity, using Lemma 2.4.8 again shows that every divisor of
is represented by
. By applying Theorem 2.4.1, if
contains three prime divisors that all represent
, then
is reducible. Furthermore, if
contains two prime divisors,
that represent
, then
. Hence,
, meaning
is reducible. Therefore,
can only contain one prime divisor representing
, which is equivalent to the theorem statement.
Class Number Problem
This section will give an elementary proof for a special case of the class number problem, which looks for the solutions to for a given
, for which Linfoot and Heilbronn showed there existed finitely many of
. Only
and even
will be considered in our case, as outlined in the introduction. Before moving on to the proof, the concept of “multiple identities” will be introduced, which is central to defining the class group and hence solving class number problems. This will expand upon Sections 1.3 and 1.4, and give some of the special cases for which
. As discussed in Section 1.4, forms in these class groups have prime representatives that are rather easy to compute, giving us a way to compute the irreducible elements of
for where
is defined as the curve
Consider the forms for which . Using the method shown in Example 1.4.6, the possible forms are
. By using the generalized version of Theorem 2.4.2 and Lemma 1.4.8,
, meaning they act like an identity element. This leads to a problem when defining a class group since groups cannot have multiple identities. Instead, the class group is defined only to contain the principal form with discriminant
defined below:
Definition 2.5.1. The principal form for a discriminant is defined as
Lemma 2.5.2. A reduced form is in the principal class group if and only if
Proof. If , then
where the coefficients of
share no common factors. Therefore, for every
that represents
. Note that if
, then for some
is the principal form. However,
, meaning that every representative of
is also divisible by
. In general, every representative of
is divisible by
. From Lemma 1.3.3, every representative of
is a representative of
. However, since
represents the principal form,
must represent
, leading to a contradiction.
Now we are ready to tackle the class number problem for and even
Lemma 2.5.3. The Diophantine equation has no solution for
and any odd prime
Proof. We know that since
. Therefore,
. This means
must be odd since the only quadratic residues mod 4 are 0 and 1. Letting


Theorem 2.5.4
The only negative even discriminants such that are
Since is even, we assume that
. Now let
. If
contains two or more distinct prime divisors, then by letting
, the form
using Theorem 2.4.2, which is the principal form. This leads to a contradiction since
. Now if
for some odd prime
, by letting
, then
. From Lemma 2.5.2,
, this is a reduced form. This implies
, which again is a contradiction. Hence, the only possibilities are
being an odd prime or
. If
then consider the same construction with
. Then, we must have
. This always factors into two distinct odd factors unless
is a power of 2, in which case we consider
. This is valid since
. Then
which again factors into relatively prime divisor pairs. Hence,
in this case. Finally, if
is an odd prime, then let
again, meaning
. If
is not a power of 2, then
can factor into relatively prime divisor pairs. Hence,
must be of the form
. If
, then by considering
(which is valid since
), we have
. Letting
and using Lemma 2.4.4 shows that
, another contradiction.
Summarizing the above, if
(powers of 2) or
(Mersenne Primes). Below are the calculations for finding primitive forms for the corresponding
h | ac | (a,c) |
0 | 1 | (1,1) |
h | ac | (a,c) |
0 | 2 | (1,2) |
h | ac | (a,c) |
0 | 3 | (1,3) |
±2 | 4 | (2,2) |
h | ac | (a,c) |
0 | 4 | (1,4),(2,2) |
±2 | 5 | – |
h | ac | (a,c) |
0 | 7 | (1,7) |
±2 | 8 | (2,4) |
However, from Lemma 2.5.2, the forms ,
are not in the principal class group. Hence
for even
if and only if
Combining Theorem 2.5.3 with Theorem 2.4.8 can give very powerful results, as it can be used to exactly describe every irreducible element of if
Lemma 2.5.5
For any , there exists no such
such that
for all odd primes
We first use the fact that there is always a prime residue less than 9. Furthermore, since
, we must consider the primes
, which give the following residues:
. Notice that the smallest
, which means both the primes
need to be considered. The smallest solution that satisfies all these constraints is larger than
, and we can check that
Theorem 2.5.6
The only negative even discriminants such that are
Let for some
. If
has three distinct prime divisors
, then
leading to a contradiction. Therefore,
can have up to two distinct prime divisors.
Case 1: with
Since , no additional forms can be in
. Therefore, if
has an odd divisor
, then
, meaning
. Therefore,
. If
, then the forms
. These are reduced forms as
. Hence
, leading to a contradiction. Therefore, the only possibilities are
and since
, the only possibility in this case is
In this case, , meaning no additional forms can be in
. Since
. Therefore, if
has an odd divisor
, then
, leading to a contradiction. This means
, implying
. From Lemma 2.5.2,
, meaning
. For
to be a power of 2,
. However, if
, then
and if
, then
, where
. Hence, the only possibilities are
Case 3:
In this case, . From Lemma 2.5.2,
, where
and odd. However, if
, then
, as these are distinct forms from Lemma 1.5.3. Hence,
, implying either
is even. Now if
, then if
, then
, a clear contradiction. Finally, if
, then
, meaning
, where
. If
, then
, leading to a contradiction. If
, then
, but clearly the equation
has no solutions for
. Finally, if
is even, then
implying for some
. This is only possible when
, which leads to a contradiction. Finally, if
is odd, then
, which is another contradiction. Hence, the only possible values for
Case 4:
Since for ,
, we only consider
. If
. However, if
is not prime, for any odd
such that
, leading to a contradiction. Hence,
for some
. If
, then the reduced forms
, meaning that
is the only possibility when
. Hence the only possibilities are
Case 5: m is a non-Mersenne prime,
Clearly, the form . Since
is not a Mersenne prime,
and odd. If
, then by lemma 1.5.3,
are distinct forms, meaning
. Hence
. Furthermore, if
, then
, implying
. Therefore,
, where
is prime. The only
satisfying this condition is
. If
and if
, then
as that implies
. However,
, meaning
must be prime. The only
satisfying both conditions is
. If
. Assuming
, then
. If
, contradicting the primality of
. If
, another contradiction. Hence
, implying either
for some prime
. However, for even
and if
is odd,
. Hence,
must also be prime. The only
that satisfies all three conditions is
. Hence
Case 6: m is a non-Mersenne prime,
For each primality condition discussed in Case 5, there are restrictions on the values for modulo a given prime
. For example,
being prime implies that
. The general primality condition in Case 5 is that
is prime for some odd
is prime for even
. This means for any
, where
. For example, when
, the conditions are equivalent to
. This statement is equivalent to
for all
, which contradicts Lemma 2.5.5. Hence there are no solutions in this case.
Case 7: m is a Mersenne prime
If is a Mersenne prime, then for
. For
and when
, meaning
is a Mersenne prime.
Case 8: ,
is prime
Since ,
, there cannot be any other forms in
. Therefore,
must also be prime. If
has an odd divisor
, then
, meaning
is also a prime. The only
that satisfies these two conditions is
. If
, and if
has some divisor
, then we have another contradiction. Furthermore,
, leading to a contradiction, and
also leads to a contradiction, meaning
must also be prime. There exists no
satisfying all three conditions. If
, then
cannot have any odd divisors. If there was some odd divisor
, if
, then
and if
, then
. Hence,
must also be prime. Note that the general primality condition is both
being prime or
being prime, where
. This can be transformed into the more general statement
for all
that is prime. However, from lemma 2.5.4, this has no solutions for
. It can be checked that
satisfies all four primality conditions, as
. Hence, the only possibilities are
By combining the results of the above theorem and theorem 2.4.9 with the calculations shown in example 1.4.7, we can calculate the irreducible elements of , where
for any
listed in the above theorem, given
contains a rational point.
Example 2.5.7. For the irreducible elements of a curve where
has a rational point, we first calculate the prime representatives of both forms in
. From the results of section 1.5, any
and any
along with
. Using theorem 2.4.9, irreducible representatives of
, and
. Since
, the points parameterized by
are all irreducible elements of
irrespective of the generator. Note that the listed values for
are also the irreducible elements of any curve defined by
, where
is a binary quadratic form with discriminant
In conclusion, by defining the group of rational points on a given quadratic curve as
for and
as a generator, we showed there is an explicit connection between the group structure of
and the irreducible elements of a quadratic form
. Using this connection, we can describe the irreducible elements for quadratic forms
, such that
is the discriminant of the quadratic form
. Future work could include generalizing the proofs given in Section 2.5 to class numbers that are not of the form
I would like to thank Ph.D. student Daniel Epelbaum for his mentorship and feedback during the learning, writing, and editing process for this paper. Without his support and inspiration for this paper, it would not have been possible. I would also like to thank Jose Morin of the Lumiere program for his helpful feedback during the writing process, and the Lumiere program in general for their full support. Finally, I thank an anonymous reviewer from the journal for their guidance and feedback, which has strengthened this paper further.
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