The NHSJS Advantage



For more than a decade, The National High School Journal of Science, has been dedicated to helping talented high school students publish their original research and articles in our online journal. We emphasize the quality of each article published and the lasting relationship forged between authors and our review team. Here are a few reasons why you should consider publishing with NHSJS.


With an exceptional advisory board comprised of professors, scientists, and scholars from acclaimed institutions such as Georgetown University and Rutgers University, we ensure that each submission to NHSJS undergoes thorough peer review and guide students through this educational process.



Science can only be advanced through the sharing of research and information. Unfortunately, many high school students do not get the opportunity to do this. At NHSJS we provide a foundation upon which advanced high school students can build and collaborate. NHSJS acts as a gateway for these students to have their hard work recognized by the rest of the scientific community and be shown on research databases such as EBSCOhost.



The scientific community is responsible for many of the advancements that we take for granted today. It is responsible for increasing life spans, exploring the universe, and enhancing the ways we work and play. By becoming a part of NHSJS, not only are you bettering yourself through this unique experience, but you are also becoming a part of this community.


Free to access:

At NHSJS, we believe that the advancement of science in the high school environment should not be hindered by monetary concerns. For this reason, NHSJS is open access, and will always be free to access.